Your legacy protects their future.
An exclusive investment-linked protection plan designed to protect your legacy for your family’s future with flexible insurance protection up to age 100* and greater rewards. Furthermore, have the flexibility to control your coverage term by way of adjusting your premium amount. Leave a legacy of protection for your loved ones with PRUWealth
PRUMy Medical Plus
Designed for your needs.
A comprehensive solution using PRUWith You as the basic plan. PRUMy Medical Plus can provide you with long term coverage to meet your protection needs.
With PRUMy Medical Plus, you have the flexibility to choose the medical plan that suits your unique needs – from a basic medical coverage that rewards you for staying healthy, to high medical coverage that will safeguard you from rising medical costs in the years to come.
PRUMY Child Plus
Even earlier protection for your unborn baby.
PRUMy Child Plus is a solution offered by our flagship product, PRUWith You as its basic plan. Attached with prenatal, Critical Illness, medical, accidental, and payor riders, it is a comprehensive insurance solution that will meet your child’s protection needs. With PRUSaver Kid, this plan could also function as a savings plan for your child’s education.
PRUMy Diabetes Care
A new hope for people with diabetes.
PRUMy Diabetes Care is the insurance solution that diabetics have been waiting for. Designed specifically for diabetics with relatively good control of their medical condition, this solution is offered by our flagship product PRUWith You as its basic plan. Attached with critical illness, medical, and payor riders, it is a comprehensive insurance solution that can meet a diabetic’s protection needs.
Highlights :
High Deductible Medical Plan With No annual & Lifetime Limits
PRUValue Med (as low as RM20,000 deductible) is a medical rider that offers no annual and lifetime limits, ensuring that you have continuous coverage.
Additional Critical Illness Coverage
Crisis Care rider provides coverage for specific critical illnesses that is separate from your basic sum assured, so that you can focus on recovery.
Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) & Death Coverage
PRUWith You offers valuable TPD (up to Age Next Birthday 70 years old) and death coverage, providing you and your loved ones financial security when times get rough.
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This website is produced by an agency representing Prudential Assurance Malaysia Bhd (PAMB) and Prudential BSN Takaful Bhd and contains their personal views, thoughts and opinions. This website is for informational purposes only and is neither endorsed by PAMB or PBTB nor does it constitute any official communication by PAMB and PBTB.
Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is an indirect subsidiary of Prudential plc, a company incorporated in England and Wales. Neither Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad nor Prudential plc is affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America.